Building OKRs

Implement a strategy your team will stick to

with Sara Lobkovich

Available on demand

3-hour workshop

Sara Lobkovich

Welcome to Building OKRs

You’ve done your research, made a plan, and crafted your team’s strategy – now how do you actually set that strategy in motion? In this workshop, we’ll guide you through a step-by-step process to build and implement OKRs, so you’ll leave with a list of objectives and key results you can take straight to your team.

Module 2

Learn how to zero in on the most important goals for your business, and articulate why they matter.

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Module 3

Learn how to craft measurable goals that’ll help you quantify success and progress.

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Module 4

Learn how to avoid some of the most common pitfalls surrounding OKRs, like setting impossible goals or making them too task-oriented.

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Module 5

Learn how to keep your team focused on OKRs by incorporating them into your rhythm of business.

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Workshops at Section

Our workshops help you build a significant skill in less than one day.

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